Lecturas en inglés
Lecturas en inglés
María Signes Perelló
I am really excited about Halloween that comes next Thursday 31st !!! As you know, Halloween is a big tradition in USA.
During this week we are going to perform tones of activities about Halloween. For instance, I am reading the following book with my students. I wish that you enjoy too with this cute story J
About This Book
- Let´s create a new story by writing further about the end of the story. Was the Halloween party funny? What did the characters do after the party with the pumpkin?
2. Carve a pumpkin:
Halloween my friends!
1 comentario:
Gracias a nuestra compañera del Grupo Leo, Mª Signes, por estos trabajos que nos envia desde Florida.Os agradecería que a el profesorado y aquellos que sigáis esta actividad comentéis qué os parece .De esa manera ,la autora, podría realizar nuevas aportaciones.
Gracias. Diego Gila.Coordinador Grupo Leo
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