martes, 14 de enero de 2014

GRRReat readers: "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss

Lecturas en inglés

María Signes Perelló

The Lorax by Dr.Seuss
Today I bring you a story that will make you for sure think about your role in the nature...

The narrator has lived a life of carelessness, disregard for nature, and selfishness. Now, with the natural beauty of the truffula trees taken away, the Lorax has moved up and away. How can it be restored? The key to restoring the natural beauty of the area lies in the hands of a small child who happens to have a seed, a single hopeful seed to a truffula tree.

1.DISCUSS with your class/friends/parents:
  • What was the land of the Lorax like before the Once-ler arrived? Did it seem like someplace you'd like to live? What parts of your own environment would you be sad to see go?
  • What kind of person is the Once-ler? Why won't he listen to the Lorax? The Lorax says to the Once-ler, "You are crazy with greed." Why does the Lorax say that? Do you agree or disagree?
  • Why does the Lorax speak for the trees? Why is it important to speak up for others? Have you ever spoken up for someone else? Has someone else ever spoken up for you?

  • What do you think the boy hearing the story will do with the Truffula seed that the Once-ler tosses to him? What would you do if you were the boy?
  • Do you think the Lorax and his friends will come back if new Truffula Trees grow? Where do you think they have been?
  • The Once-ler says, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." What does the Once-ler mean? Can one person make a difference? Can you? What are some things you can do to better your own environment?
2. Write a letter to Mother Earth.

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